Thursday 7 June 2012


Heyya (; this time I would like to chit-chat about my future my dream my hope my wish and so on~ heheee ;D Okay these days I've been thinking about what I'm gonna be and what course would I take in two years from now. My first choice is to be a psychologist , children psychologist. I just love-love-love children (Y) They're just shooo cute and innocent. *Ha nak cerita sikit, td masa tgah syiok men bowling ada sorg boy ni around 3-4 years and dia like menyibuk kat lane kteorang tp siyus siyus comel patu dia jakun dgn tmpt keluar bola tu haha I was like starring je kat dia and senyum-senyum hihi patu ttbe dia syiok pulak bercerita kat aku tentang keajaiban tempat bola bowling tu XD* See ? cutee gila kannn ? Dia tak kenal aku but boleh cerita-tunjuk2-share kejakunan dia dgn akuu ^^ awwww melt hati I tau XD But then bila masuk MRSM ttbe rasa mcm nak bukak nurseri or tadika like that ~ *ni sbb masa tu tolong cgu jaga kaunter for pendaftaran second intake, then ada sorang boy juga around 3-4 years jugaaaa bising sangat2 but dia putih melepak kay[besar nnt mest hensem<3] dalam pss yg bergema tu dgn suara nyaring lagi haduyy kecoh dunia, but semua org suka that boy smpai men kejar2 lg dgn dia. Dia lari dr semua orang sbb dia tak suka even dr kakak dia sendiri pun dia lari. Dia nak mak dia je tapi dia tak jumpa soo dia lari mcm org gila laaa smbil jerit2 and yg lain semua kejar diaa nk tenangkan dia. But bila org dekat je dgn dia dia akan jerit mcm org nak rape dia saja == so semua tak berani dekat, pujuk dr jauh saja ~ suddenly ada sekali dia tgah lari dia jatuh. Kebetulan I was at the scene kan, so mcm slow2 g kat dia patu ajak dia bangun. Semua like starring at me and bersedia nk dengar dia jerit but dia tak jerit wohoooo happy nya, dia ckp ; nak mama ): , me ; Jom akak bawak pergi kat mama , that boy; nak mama nak mama , *resist tuk bangun -.-* me ; Akak ada gula2, amik la satu (; k jom akak bawak g jumpa mama ^^ that boy; ttbe bangun O: Omooo , happy nya aku masaaaa tu siyus bahagia hidupppp XD Then aku pass kat kakak dia* Hahaa thats why my pocket always full with various of candy kayyy (; Bila I bump je budak omey omey trus offer candy kat dorang and bila dorang senyum tu yg sumpa terbaik la wehhh . Heart them shoooo muchh <3<3 Sbb tu nak sangat sangat buka nurseri ;} Boleh rapat dgn ramai kids, play play dgn dorg, jaga dorg leklok and paling best skali when you get to be someone special in their heart ;3 *teringin doh jadi someone yg bermakna and sentiasa diingati oleh mereka meraka yg comellotte ni *kids* >< But sometimes I do feel awkward to get close to them . It's because, well children tend to like people who you know with a warm-pretty face ._. And I'm afraid that I'll scared them with my 'not-so-nice' look *yeahmanIknowI'mugly T.T That's why sometimes I just stare at them silently and just buried my passion towards them /: huhhh *sigh* But still, I heart them soo much <3 *again hahaaa . Ha I'm so curious and feel weird to those who does-not-like-kids-that-much and think that they're such a burden o.O I mean whoa man, how could you feel like that ?Yes kids, sometimes get noisy and annoying but hey you were a kid once too. I bet your momma will be suprise to have big grown up baby ==' Plus plus kalau yang hate kids tu women, lagi oh goshhh kay *hatibatu punya manusia* Kalau men er boleh tolerate lagi kan kan ~ 

Lastly, kids are just amazing. And I feel amazing too when I'm with them (':

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