Wednesday 6 June 2012


Heyya, this entry is  about a young-miserable-girl misses her big-fat sisto. puff, as you know my biggo sisto are currently studying at Matrikulasi Arau, Perlis. And she 'up-up-away' *HAHA teringat cerita UP* to Perlis since the school holiday started [ayat aku pewlik di situ XD] . I'm kinda miss her *embarrassing statement ._.* yewlaahhh sometimes she can be the most kelinggo person I've ever know and kinda make my day fun. This holiday, hermmm I thought I can spent it with her. I want to spend my holiday with her. I've already make 'List-of-Things-That-I-Wanna-Do-With-My-Keliinggo-Akax-This-Holiday'. And and and and huuuh *sigh* .__. suddenly I get to know the she will leaving us soon. Leaving me soon. And puff my-yay-yay-holiday-mood disappear. Jirah pun was like ; Izzaty, don't you feel excited at all ? . me ; herrmm I got the feeling that this will be the-most-boring-terrible-pathetic-holiday of my life. I've got noooo mood at all. My roommates was happy-happy-nak-pergi-sana-nak-pergi-sini. And I ; aku nak duduk rumah je cuti ni ~ that time, aku ada mood nak g mcd je HAHA. Actually , I don't want to trouble my mom sangat nak kene hantar ke sana sini. If ada my sis, boleh naik tren or yang seangkatan dengannya. My sis would find a way to go to a place without troubling my mom. Like today, I went to mines and at first I was scared to ask her a favor but Alhamdulillah my results was okay so she willing to sent me there. Plus I'm the kind of person who loves to just-go-with-the-flow, like spontan saje. Everything about the hang-out ; like where to-when it is-what time-what we're gonna do, everything, I would leave it to my sisto. And sometimes spontan kay like ;

#SituationOne -- biggo-sisto ; Hoy alang, esok nak ikut ? . Me ; nak, esok kejut.
 And sometimes it turned to like this -- biggo-sisto ; Alang, bangunlah pergi siap. Me ; Alahh ngantuk lah, awak pergi lah soranggg ~

#SituationTwo -- *Inthemorning* biggo-sisto ; Alang lang lang, bangun cepat pergi mandi patu siap. Me ; It's still early in the morning and it's holiday == . biggo-sisto ; jom lahh teman akak g bla bla bla ~

See ? How cool and pemalas I am HAHAA , but I like it that way . I doesn't like to kecoh kecoh plan awal awal but jadi tak jadi taktau lagi~ and what if tak jadi ? Tak ke frust menonggeng ? Yang nak pergi mines ni pun my gang yang like planned everything a week before and I just confirm with them two days before the 'hang-out-date' . I told my mom pun two days before~ itupun mereka yang ingat kan kalau tak mmg 'twodaysbefore' turns to 'adaybefore' lah ~.~  And I like to went to a place where I can go just by a walk. No need lah car, motor or trains and so on~ Such as D'puncak*ash places* or mcd or the park in my neighborhood . I love to walk. Sambil sambil tu hirup udara segar kan kan kan. But of course lah tak suka when it such a sunny-hot-like-matahari-atas-kepala-je-kot-day =.= Agak agak la sikit T-T But sometimes aku bantai je redah tengah tengah panas when it's worth it macam nak jumpa important person kan. Lagilagipung, jalan nak ke mcd tu kan ada banyak shady trees. That's my favorite part. Walking under a shady trees. Nak cukup sedap lagi bila ada anginnnnnn wohoooo bahagianya hidup HAHA XD *hobisakaiaku*. Walking are such a healthy activity for you rite ? I'm glad it's one of my hobby (Y) 

Kay conclusion diyooo ; Akak, make sure next holiday awak kene ada kat rumah ! Kalau tak mmg tak berjalan lah Alanggg ;/ Tak winduuu ke kat Galang awak ni HOHOOO ;} Lagipun now your bilik like sunyi ~ so many things happen but takde tempat nak share story malam-malam. Tak dapat nak bergosip semua tuuu, nak lepas geram pun takde tempat *terpaksa pendam jela ._.* Nak harapkan Cocot, awak tahu kan betapa gedik nya dia sekarang ? *biasalahh budak nak naik remaja, angin lagu puting beliung sudah* Dah muktamad, awak wajibal-ghunnah ada kat rumah next holiday kayy ? Btw, wish you the best kat Utara sana tu (; Beware of charlie yaww (Y)

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